It is with immense pleasure that we formally announce Oceania Aviation’s partnership with Fiji Airways at Adelaide Airport.
In early July, our Adelaide team was beyond pleased to assist Fiji Airways with the ground handling on their first flight from Adelaide to Nadi. As part of the re-start of transpacific flying for Fiji Airways after a long spell. Fiji Airways have flown into Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne for a long time and were excited to expand their Australian destinations to service the now growing pacific holiday markets.
Oceania Aviation was thrilled to expand its current business with Fiji Airways. The Adelaide schedule starts off with two flights per week of the new Fiji Airways Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. This exciting new service has created 10 new jobs in Adelaide Airport, with a plan to grow the service to a daily flight. This could, in turn, generate another 20 jobs over time as the service offering grows with the pacific holiday traffic.
To celebrate their first flight, Fiji Airways had their senior executive staff present along with Adelaide Airport senior staff and Oceania Senior staff. There was a large cake for all the first passengers to enjoy at the boarding gate. And there were a team of 5 Fijian traditional Bula dancers and Fijian music to get everyone into island holiday mode.
Media outlets arrived at Adelaide Airport to televise the exciting first flight, made even more exciting after a long break on flying due to COVID. It was an exciting celebration that both passengers and staff thoroughly enjoyed. The flight was handled with Oceania Aviation precision and took off on time.
As always, the Oceania Aviation Adelaide Team was commended for their seamless customer service, incredible ground handling & overwhelming professionalism.
Our team service many major airlines across Australia. To learn more about our expert ground handling operations, visit our services page today.